
5 Stories to Bring in the New Year: Impressions, Sexsomniacs, Measles, Syphilis, and Two Wombs

As the new year comes to us, I provide you, the medical school people, with some things to think about as you party it up wherever you may be. Whatever you do tonight, make sure to keep it real, drink safely, and always wear two socks instead of just one.

Enjoy and happy new year......

Four Keys to Making a Good Impression
In your clerkships, or if you're just going out, you should make sure to look good. Here's an article on how to do that.
"If you present yourself as if you expect to be found attractive, and show pride in your body through the way you hold your posture, being stylish, and showing interest in other people will make you seem more attractive."

2. 1 traveler tied to more than half '05 U.S. measles cases
Okay people, we neeed to start VACINATING!
"The biggest U.S. measles outbreak in a decade -- 34 people stricken in Indiana and Illinois last year -- was traced back to a 17-year-old girl who had traveled to Romania without first getting vaccinated, government health officials said Thursday."

3. Cartoon Penises Have Their Say on Syphilis
"An advertising campaign featuring cartoon characters shaped like male genitalia encouraged more men to get tested for syphilis in San Francisco, according to a new study."

4. Triplets Born to Woman With Two Wombs: Yessir, Yessir, Three Bags Full.
"A woman with two wombs has given birth to triplets, in what is believed to the first case of its kind, a hospital official said Friday."

5. ‘Sexsomniacs’ puzzle medical researchers
"Researchers are struggling to understand a rare medical condition where sufferers unknowingly demand, or actually have, sex while asleep, New Scientist magazine reported on Wednesday."

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