
Global Doctors, Fashion, and Women Who Like Sweat

My sickness is on the upswing, so that's cool. I figured since I slept more last night, I should get a puppy that would keep me up all night.

I wish my school was in Upstate NY, I heard that they got almost 100 inches of snow! That is insane and I bet they've canceled classes there.

High heels. I don't get them. Besides fashion and helping to increase calf size, what's the point of them? I mean, your toes can't go to the end of them, they are hard (not easy) to walk in, and they aren't more comfortable than say, clogs or rounded-toed shoes. You know?

Sweater vests. Another interesting fashion statement. They keep your chest and back warm but not the rest of your upper body. I mean, at least wear a turtleneck-sweater vest, right?

DOCTORS FOR GLOBAL HEALTH: check out the site (click here)

DOCTORS WITHOUT BORDERS: check out the site (click here)

And some news......

(click on quotes for links)

Mmm, sweaty! Women aroused by male scent
"Researchers at the University of California at Berkeley said women who sniffed a chemical found in male sweat experienced elevated levels of an important hormone, along with higher sexual arousal, faster heart rate and other effects."

2. Brutal Case Studies
"When Harriet Washington, a med-school graduate and former fellow in ethics at Harvard Medical School, decided to research medical crimes against African-Americans, she feared she'd turn up much more than the Tuskegee experiment. She was right."

3. Opposites attract: Compatibility's in the genes
A new study reveals that a cluster of genes, involved in immune function among other things, could predict how sexually attracted a person is to a partner and how likely a woman is be faithful to her mate. Couples in which the individuals had dissimilar versions of so-called major histocompatibility complex (MHC) genes had the greatest sexual compatibility."

4. Want a foot massage with your Novocain shot?
"So it seems odd to see “dental spa” written across the clear glass doors of a dentist’s office in Chicago’s tony Water Tower building, and to hear soothing classical music as you lie on a cushy massaging reclining chair while the hygienist readies her tooth scraper."

5. Accidental drug-poisoning deaths on the rise
Unintentional deaths due to drug poisoning — primarily with prescription drugs — increased by 68 percent between 1999 and 2004, and is second only to motor vehicle crashes as a cause of death from unintentional injury in the U.S., investigators at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention report."


Anonymous said...

Reasons women wear high heels:

-they change the angle of the foot with respect to the lower leg, which accentuates the appearance of calves -this is a sign of health and evolutionary fitness
-they change the wearer's posture, requiring a more upright carriage; see above for why this is good.
-they make the wearer appear taller, same effect as stated above
-they cause the wearer's legs to look longer, see above
-aside from physiology, it subconsciously gives women greater "presence"...same as being a taller man

-there are many more reasons.

med student, would you next like me to go over why women wear tight jeans?

Anonymous said...

I am really interested in living a long life because I think that would be awesome. Old people definitely know a ton of sh*t. One day that will be me, hopefully at least. I like to ride bicycles also, in case anyone was wondering. I found the SICKEST top ten list of ways to live super long lives. Number two is basically "always bring a good attitude" which is important.

Anonymous said...

high heels...are pretty, that's it
and they do hurt as much as they seem
tight jeans...again, look pretty...sexual allure?
and how great would the experience of doctors without borders be? i've always imagined it to be something that...adds to a persons identity
hopefully i'll get to join them one day

Greentea said...
